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About Arnes

1. Presentation and Activities

The Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES) was established in Slovenia in 1992 in order to provide research, educational, cultural and other institutions and their users with new opportunities for collaboration and the use of new technologies that came with the advent of the internet and the educational and research networks at the European level. The key to the rapid penetration of the internet in Slovenia were the explosively expanding connections to the ARNES network within universities, libraries and schools, and among pupils, students, professors, teachers and researchers.

We provide services that form the basis for internet operation in Slovenia.

As a public institution, we provide services that form the basis for internet operation in Slovenia. We maintain the internet exchange points (IXP), which allow all Slovenian network providers to share traffic outside their own network. In addition, we manage the .si domain, operate the root DNS server and safeguard cybersecurity of Slovenia. Furthermore, we provide the educational, research and cultural institutions with extremely fast connections.

We operate at the national level, connecting more than 1,700 Slovenian educational, research, developmental and cultural organizations. They include universities, research institutes, research laboratories and health institutes with research activities, museums, schools, the Institute of Information Science, Maribor (IZUM) and libraries, as well as other organizations that meet the criteria of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Our services are used by more than 300,000 users.

We connect organizations to the pan-European research and education network, GÉANT through high-speed optical links and the ARNES network. By connecting to the ARNES network, you not only get your institutional access to the Internet, but also access to a supercomputer infrastructure serving all researchers and advanced cloud services.

At the same time, your institution will become a part of the Slovenian national research and education network and the global community. The community is best represented by a secure eduroam wireless network that users can access in more than 100 countries.

At ARNES, we have always worked hard to perform our mission to provide conditions and support for the introduction of information technologies in the most comprehensive way. An essential element to achieving this goal is the existence of an integrated network infrastructure with uniform technology and security standards, and advanced services.

ARNES is professionally cooperating in working groups and computer network and information society projects with national research and education networks of other countries. We are involved in the following international organizations: GÉANT, Internet2, CEENetRIPECENTREURidFIRSTEuro-IX,, ICANN, PRACE, ENISA, e-IRG, CECAM, EOSC Association and BIK.

We help researchers address the greatest challenges of humanity while bridging the digital education divide.

National research and education networks have laid the foundations for the ubiquity of the Internet in the modern world, and the profound impact it has had on our society. They continue to play an important role in this regard. In addition, we help researchers address the greatest challenges of humanity in fields such as medicine, physics, climatology, environmental science, etc., while bridging the digital education divide by providing access to online education and lifelong learning.

Established in 1995, the National Response Center SI-CERT takes care of over 4,000 network and information security incidents annually.

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